magazine #6

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copertina 6

PDA#6 | summary

cover #6 special guest: Fabrizio Furiassi


 interview #9 – Benedetto Gugliotta, looking for the beaty

 interview #10 – Zo_loft, a loft of independent designers with a revolutionary creativity

 interview #11 – Mint List

 interview #12 – VeiveCura

+ Photography Bonus: Imago urbis, by Marco Marassi

+ Literature bonus track – The Shadow Line

EDITORIAL STAFF : Sebastian Di Guardo; Orazio Caruso; Davide Luca

COLLABORATORS: Benedetto Gugliotta, Paolo Emilio Bellisario, Cristian Cellini, Andrea Cingoli, Francesca Fontana, Maria Azzurra Rossi, Giulia Milza, Davide Iacono, Marco Marassi, Fabrizio Furiassi.

INTERVIEW :Benedetto Gugliotta, Paolo Emilio Bellisario, Cristian Cellini, Andrea Cingoli, Francesca Fontana, Maria Azzurra Rossi, Giulia Milza, Davide Iacono

TRANSLATIONS : Laura Dumbrava, Luigi Cavallo, Orazio Caruso, Davide Luca

In this issue we interview young men who build their trade every day, often following their creative instinct. They do not run away from problems and in this way they live on their passions, creating step by step success stories. Their stories give in general a positive and inspiring message in which the central thread seems to be condensed into one word: Quality!

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